Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Without God...

Latly I have been very confused and pretty much blind! I don't really have a interest in church like I used 2. When you are a kid you think church is the best thing ever, you can't wait till Sunday comes so u can go and see your friends at sunday school. I am 17 years old and dread going to church, maybe I am the only 17 year old that thinks that, but I still live my life as a Christian every single day. My life isn't perfect, no where close. I mess up, and fall short just like every other person in the world. My Bible teacher at school Mr.K for short! He has us do this Bible study thing called "PEG". PEG stands for Practically
I Love it! YOu write out the verse you are studying..then you wirte the words "Sing it"and "Pray it" in the same column that you wrote the verse in. The column beside it you put Wondering Mind. Whenever you are praying or doing anything that involes Christ..Satan will attack. Your mind will wonder, so that column lets you put that there so u can get back to ur focus.
Well back to my point of this blog....I am praying alot about Sunday school and church all together. I am 17 years old, a senior in high school and feel like no one is struggling with the same things I am the things that matter to me. Next year, I will be heading off to college to be on my own. Right now, I am looking at CHristian colleges only. Whereever i attend college I want Christ in the middle of it all. I have started looking, and well just because the name says its christian doesn't mean it is..just like us..we might say we are Christian but unless we prove it then how is someone gonna know. I want the college that I attend shine so bright that anyone who walks on the campus knows that Christ is present! BACK...to what I wrote this Blog about..I really want a Bible Study for girls ages 16-19 who are dealing with relevant problems for Junior and Senior girls and Freshmen college girls. I really want someone to talk to about finding Mr.Right with God being the center of our realationship..so if anyone knows about a Bible study like this or would like to start one just let me know please! Thanks Jennifer... Sorry it is SO long!